Many players can benefit from this badge. But big menin particular may be eligible to wear the badge. Offensive players who are in a match with 2k22 mt those with the badge will have a lower rate when attempting a contested shot. The ability to contest shots is crucial in stopping baskets, however any additional boost will help. Consider incorporating this badge into your outfit when you can.
Post Lockdown is yet another badge large players will require in NBA 2K22. This badge enhances defenders' ability to stop post movements and backdowns. Power forwards and centers are likely to require help to defend, so this badge ought to be on your shortlist. It's useful if you match up within who likes post moves.
It's a must-have badge if you're big. Rebound Chaser improves the ability of the holder to identify rebounders from further distances. For mt for sale 2k22 most cases, gives the user an edge in rebounding over the players who do not.