For example, you can target people who have made payments using a particular platform in the last month or so. They are more likely to buy from an established shop on the platform. Whichever method you use to better understand what kind of audience your business attracts, you need to choose what to focus on. To do that, we need to dig deeper into the data and learn more. FREE BONUS DOWNLOAD: Get up and running in no time with this handy Facebook Lead Ads Quick Start Guide! Click here to download now for free. We've helped
Fortune 500 companies, venture-backed whatsapp database startups, and companies like yours grow revenue faster . get a free consultation Explore data to segment your audience image3 1 sauce After about a week of having an engaged audience with your brand, Facebook Audience Insights should provide enough data to segment your audience. The data are classified into the following categories: demographics Under this tab, you'll see collated information such as the user's age, gender, education, job title, and relationship status. If your audience is in the
US, you will also see their lifestyle. Facebook Audience Insights Demographics Page likes This tab displays two sections: top categories and page likes. The second section lists specific pages on Facebook that viewers are most likely to like than the average user. This tab is especially useful for creating a picture of your audience in terms of their tastes and interests. image8 image10 location This will tell you where most of your visitors are and what language they speak. This helps us tailor our products and services and promotions to meet your needs. However, if you have a local or region-specific business and most of your audience is from another country, this indicates that you are not reaching the right people .